Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Heh heh heh. Should Trent Lott (R-anti-anti-lynching) pitch a fit and resign his seat, Gov. Ronnie Musgrove (D-somebody) will appoint someone. And at the top of the list is Clinton Cock Hunt target Mike Espy, who was acquitted of all phony charges after a $20 million independent counnsel investigation. That possibility would be delicious. Other possibilities include Mississippi Attorney General Mike Moore, who was the main AG heading up all of those tobacco lawsuits, and Ronnie Shows, who was just defeated for his seat after some redistricting shoved him into a GOP district.
There is a catch to any appointment. Should Lott resign before Dec. 31, there would have to be a special election in 90 days. Should he bug out after that, the special election would be next November. So if the Shrubbery wants Lott out, they'd want him out Right Away, because the special election coming so soon should preclude a Linc Chafee party switch. (I say 'should' because I don't know what's in Chafee's head, but sense tells me that a 90-day switch would be pointless.)
link via Atrios who has a bump thanks to Krugman.
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