Friday, February 24, 2006
Mitchell Wade, the defense guy who bribed Duke Cunningham so brazenly, just got over 11 years in the slam as a result of a guilty plea for bribery and other offenses. The "and other offenses" part is where it gets really interesting. Here's a real goodie from the US Attorney's report on Wade:
Wade then shielded MZM from the normal performance review by crossing
the line into corrupt activities. Wade's activities included:arranging for a Defense Department official's son to be hired as an MZM employee; the cost of that job was ultimately paid for by the government in reimbursement agreement with MZM; and
extending an offer of employment, and then ultimately hiring, a Department of Defense official who was responsible for overseeing much of MZM's work. Federal law prohibits government employees from, among other things, discussing potential employment with companies with whom they do government business.
Certain Department of Defense employees provided: valuable procurement information that MZM could use to tailor a proposal for work that MZM could perform under the BPA;
an official recommendation that MZM receive contracts under the BPA for certain activities involving the imaging and archiving of Defense Department documents; and favorable performance reviews about MZM. These performance reviews were critical to MZM. Notwithstanding the fact that Wade received these purchase orders without competitive bidding as a result of his earlier receipt of the $225 million BPA, MZM could not be assured that they would continue to receive new purchase orders without receiving these type of favorable reviews by Defense Department officials.
So his corruption extends into Dubaiya's Defense Department. What a beauty.