
Wednesday, June 11, 2003

By now, the news of the Savage Weiner's lawsuit against three websites that dared to criticize that stinking, self-loathing, gap-toothed, quack-remedy-pushing bitch boy with the microscopic audience (in more ways than one) has gone through the entire blogosphere and back. GeekPol is at least pleased to learn (by way of BuzzFlash) that the proprietors of SavageStupidity.com have representation by way of Public Citizen, joined by members of the Chicago law firm Jenner & Block LLC. Prediction: The Savage Weiner will live up to his name and back off, seeing as he was too chicken to take on GLAAD, who was actually effective in organizing boycotts against advertisers to his crappy show.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Jim Capozzola (for Senate!) has a ridiculously easy contest today. Namely, who said this?
Certainly the [Bush] administration has now done a lot to give a direct one-word message to its gay supporters: suckers.

I had my suspicion, so I peeked.

MORE: TBogg's beat me to it.

Former Congressional candidate Bill Federer (R-crooked) has filed suit against Dick Gephardt and a few others with the help of the equally insane and sue-happy Larry Klayman. It charges a Grand Conspiracy to, get this, cause 'negative publicity' and generally hurt Federer's tender feelings. He had filed a federal suit before, but it was chucked out because it didn't pass the laugh test.

Well, if you're from anywhere near St. Louis, you know it just had to happen some time. Fundraising for the biannual race is just around the corner, and what better way to raise funds than to gin up a publicity stunt which proves your insanity by doing the same thing over and over to the same effect. I say let him run - his presence on a November ticket just about guarantees a Democratic win. No one can raise more money to more useless effect than Federer.

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